While only 12 feet high, Big Falls remains impressive due to its width. It spreads from bank-to-bank cascading over sandstone steps. Big Falls is located inside the Pinnacle Natural Area Preserve.
From the good sized parking lot, you will start your hike by walking up steps and crossing a suspension bridge. It swings pretty easily, especially if you have kids with you.
Upon crossing you will be on the Big Cedar Creek Trail, which starts out pretty narrow, but widens to become a large gravel covered trail. The trail takes you alongside Big Cedar Creek almost the entire way. Please note that after prolonged heavy rains the trail can flood at the beginning, as had occurred on our trip. However, we were able to climb alongside the trail and still pass.
At 0.4 miles the Big Cedar Creek Trail intersects with the Grapevine Hill Trail on your left. Continue straight on the wide blue-blazed trail continuing alongside the creek.
In another half-mile, you’ll see a second trail junction with a large preserve map sign. There is also a post behind it with the trail names and blaze colors with the distance to each trail from this point. Up ahead you will see pit toilets and a picnic shelter. However, you will want to turn left at the junction and head uphill to continue on the Big Cedar Creek Trail that will lead you to Big Falls.
The creek becomes more dramatic in this section leading you to the center of the preserve and Big Falls. A small side trail will take you down a few yards to the base of the falls.
We chose to turn around at this point to head back to Spring Falls (also located in Pinnacle Natural Area Preserve), but the Pinnacle View Trail (the namesake of the preserve) is just a little bit further down the trail. To view the Pinnacle, continue down the Big Cedar Creek Trail to another trail junction at approximately1.4 miles. The main trail heads to the left here, while the Pinnacle View Trail forks off to the right.
If you wish to complete your hike without viewing the Pinnacle, simply return the way you came on the Big Cedar Creek Trail.
To view Spring Falls after viewing Big Falls, head back the way you came until you get to the trail junction. Turn right to return to the parking lot or turn left to view Spring Falls, which is located just behind the picnic shelter. Follow the green blazed trail to Spring Falls, which is an easy 0.25 mile hike.

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