Elk River Falls is located in Elk River, North Carolina in Avery County just past the Tennessee/North Carolina border. The waterfalls is very picturesque and well worth a visit. This waterfall an easy hike and great for all ages. The trail is a short in and out trail with a 0.4 mile round trip.
To get to Elk River Falls from the parking area, go to the back of the parking area. There is a small hand-written sign designating it as the Elk River Falls trail. You will see a set of steps leading to a yellow-blazed trail. There is a hand rail immediately at the beginning of the trail near the rapids.

Follow the trail to the top of the waterfall on your right hand side. Do not walk out to the top of the falls if it is icy or if you are not sure-footed. Continue on the trail for a much better view of the falls.
Bear to your left and you will continue to see the yellow blazes on the trees and a side view of Elk River Falls through the trees. Keep going and you will come to a staircase that will take you down to the base of the falls.
Walk across the fairly flat natural rock walkway and you will be almost directed in front of the base of the waterfall.

If you are looking for a waterfall trail with more of a challenge, I would recommend Jones Falls. You can access Jones Falls from the forest road (which is normally gated) at the same parking lot as Elk River Falls.
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