Lower Greeter Falls is part of South Cumberland State Park, which is broken into different sections. Lower Greeter Falls is located in the Savage Gulf area in Altamont.
Lower Greeter Falls is best viewed during the Spring or after a good rainfall if you want to see the waterfall at its best. When we went in October a few years ago both Greeter Falls were only a trickle and Boardtree Falls (also located off of the same trail) had dried up completely. However in the Spring they are all quite pretty and have much more water flow.
The Greeter Falls Trail will actually take you to several waterfalls if you include its spur trails – Blue Hole Falls, Boardtree Falls, Upper Greeter Falls and Lower Greeter Falls. Most of the Greeter Falls Trail is easy, but there are parts that are a little more difficult, giving it a moderate rating. I’m going to include directions to all of the waterfalls on the loop trail below. Each waterfall uses a one-way spur trail to reach the waterfall, you go down each one to the waterfall and then return to the main trail to continue on. The following directions are the easiest way to view all of the waterfalls.
If you want to visit Blue Hole Falls, go right at 0.1 miles from the beginning of the trail. This 0.5-mile spur (Blue Hole Trail) takes you through the forest to Blue Hole Falls, which has beautiful rapids and a deep swimming hole. Once you have viewed Blue Hole Falls return the way you came to the main trail.

At 0.3 miles, Greeter Falls Loop begins. Go right toward the sign leading to Greeter Falls. As you turn right, the trail leaves the old roadbed and immediately becomes rocky and drops down along large overhanging bluffs. Shortly you will reach a junction with the spur trails to Upper and Lower Greeter Falls at 0.4 miles. Immediately, as you turn right onto the spur trail, it forks again.
If you take the spur trail to the left you will reach Lower Greeter Falls. This trail uses a tight metal spiral staircase with narrow stairs followed by wooden steps that descend to reach the waterfall at 0.5 miles. Once you have seen Lower Greeter Falls return to the Greeter Falls spur and go to the right to see Upper Greeter Falls after a short walk. After viewing Upper Greeter Falls, return to Greeter Falls Loop at 0.7 miles.
Continue to the right for another 0.3 miles and you will pass Boardtree Falls in a ravine on your right. Just past Boardtree Falls, keep following the Greeter Trail to the right and cross over a suspension bridge. The trail climbs steps to the right and soon rejoins the trail you started on, with just 0.3 miles to go to reach the parking lot.

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