Wildcat Branch Falls, also known as Wildcat Wayside is super easy to get to. The main waterfall is viewable by the roadside. It’s a 30 foot waterfall that you can walk right up to the water’s edge.
The middle section of Wildcat Falls is just 0.1 mile upstream from the lower waterfall connected by a rippling stream. The trail begins at wooden steps just to the left of the lower falls. Take these steps to an easy, well-maintained short trail leading to the middle waterfall. While only 10 feet tall, it’s still quite pretty and not as busy as the lower waterfall.

Continue upstream from the middle section to reach the upper section, which is located 0.3 mile upstream from the Middle Wildcat Branch Falls. The total round trip is 0.8 miles if you complete all three trails. This part of the trail is moderate to reach the base of the 100 foot upper waterfall.
Note: You can only hike to the base of Upper Wildcat Branch Falls. The trail to the top of the upper waterfalls is closed to the public. Climbing over the boulders to get to this trail is both illegal and dangerous.
Some people consider Upper Wildcat Branch Falls to be the star of the show, but in many cases the water flow is so low that you can barely see the waterfall. I personally think that Lower Wildcat Branch Falls is the true star of the show, but I do think the others are worth visiting and the trail goes through a nice wooded area.
Other waterfalls nearby include: Reedy River Falls inside Falls Park, Rock Quarry Falls, and Cedar Shoals.

Hello. I just discovered your webpage today. I’ve never heard of this waterfall before. We’ve been to Greenville before, but have never seen this waterfall before. We’ll be sure to check it out next time we’re in the area. Thanks for the tip. We’ll be sure to bookmark your page for future updates. Thanks!